MVB Truck & Bus Bulgaria AD is an official importer of the products of MAN Truck & Bus for the Bulgarian market. The company structure includes 4 departments - the department for the sale of freight cars and buses, service department, spare parts department and accounting-administrative department.
At the beginning of the activity, in 2012 the team of MVB Truck and Bus Bulgaria AD started to classify and archive contracts entered into folders. In parallel, electronic copies of the documents that are stored are also created in a file server, and basic data and information about them is stored in Excel files. With an increase in volume of the archived documents and because the process of creating the electronic archive and indexing the contracts is done manually, problems have begun - missed documents, incorrectly entered data, and more. So the company realizes the need for optimization and archiving the document environment.
The document process has been optimized in two directions. On one hand, the existing paper documents had to be made in
digital form. While scanning specific indexations of areas in the document are made, such as contract number and the type ofcontract. After the relevant contract is digitized, certain employees, depending on their positions previously set in the software, are notified that such a contract has been entered in the system. Finally, the document is being archived in the proposed system.
The second contract entry process is related to contracts that are due to be set up. In this case the contract is created in the system on a basis of pre-approved template. After that the contract is automatically redirected to those who need to approve it electronically, returned to its creator for signature, scanned and archived. "At each step each one of the people involved in the process know what is happening with the document, and the way the contract is moving in the system is set in the software and predefined", explains Svetoslav Krastev.
At a later stage, MVP Truck and Bus Bulgaria have extended the implemented in solution with the introduction of a management module for holidays, and then a module for business trips. Instead of submitting requests for leaves on paper, the employee is already able to make their leave via the system and the application to be moved automatically to the accounting.
Return on investment in a solution is often expressed not only in money, but also in achieving high customer satisfaction
Svetoslav Krastev
Senior Financial Director, MVB Truck & Bus Bulgaria AD
When MVB Truck & Bus Bulgaria AD from Sofia, Bulgaria, began to grow there was a lot of time wasted for finding where particular contracts were stored. So, they introduced the archiving system dokoni CASE from Konica Minolta for contracts and quotations. dokoni CASE helps MVB to find documents quickly and efficiently.