Corporate Sustainability


It is Konica Minolta’s mission to create new value for a sustainable world

Konica Minolta has a clear commitment to sustainability with its Corporate Philosophy “The Creation of New Value”. This means that the company not only creates economic value but also social value through innovation – for the business and the people – and ultimately for a sustainable world.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): World’s best plan to build a better world for people and our planet

Konica Minolta’s sustainable strategy entails the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are the world's best plan to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030. They address the global challenges we face, like e.g. poverty, inequality, climate, biodiversity, peace and justice.


Konica Minolta Europe conducted a thorough analysis of the 17 SDGs for optimising the sustainability of their activities, particularly on a European level. As a result, six particular goals were placed in focus for Europe:


1. Climate Action

2. Responsible Production and Consumption

4. Gender Equality

5. Decent Work and Economic Growth

6. Partnerships for the Goals

3. Quality Education

Combating global climate change: How Konica Minolta pursuits the SDGs

Climate change is one of the most immediate global concerns. With the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the United Nations have developed a global holistic strategy to overcome this. The SDGs are a wide framework with defined targets that tackle problems on an environmental and social level. As part of their sustainability strategy Konica Minolta pursuits the SDGs.

Shoei Yamana - President and CEO Konica Minolta, Inc.
quotation marks

Konica Minolta aims to be a company that is supported by and essential to the global community. We intend to do this by contributing to the achievement of the SDGs by 2030 while strengthening our management foundation from an environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspective

Shoei Yamana

President and CEO Konica Minolta, Inc.

With the Eco Vision 2050 Konica Minolta pays special attention to CO2 reduction, recycling and biodiversity

The Eco Vision 2050 is Konica Minolta’s long-term plan for achieving a sustainable future. It consists of three major goals:

An 80% reduction in CO2 emissions throughout the product life cycle by 2050 compared to fiscal levels in 2005

To promote recycling and efficient use of the Earth's limited resources;

Work to promote restoration and preservation of biodiversity.  



Learn more about Konica Minolta's Eco Vision 2050 in the CSR report:

Meet social responsibilities and contribute to broader society: Our ethical guard rails

Besides Konica Minolta’s mission and Eco Vision 2050, its sustainability activities are guided by its Charter of Corporate Behavior. The company explicitly commits to responsibility not only to achieve growth, but also to meet its social responsibilities and contribute to broader society that includes not only Konica Minolta’s customers, investors and employees but also local residents, the publicity, socially disadvantaged people and marginalised groups. Konica Minolta is committed to act in compliance with international social norms such as the United Nations Global Compact and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 


Our environmental-related activities are guided by our Environmental Policy

Konica Minolta has defined a set of key environmental management principles, which are fixed in its European Environmental Policy. The policy is in accordance with the Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Corporate Philosophy.  

Our adherence to global principles, charters & norms

Konica Minolta observes international principles, charters and norms as well as participates and is signatory to voluntary global organisations.

CSR-related principles, charters and norms that Konica Minolta endorses or observes:
CSR-related organisations in which Konica Minolta participates or is a signatory:

Our compliance with European regulations

Moreover, Konica Minolta is compliant with European laws and regulations applying to its business:


Modern Slavery Act:

Pursuant to the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010, Konica Minolta states that it has taken the measures to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of its supply chains and in any part of the business. More information in the transparency statement.


Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE):

Konica Minolta is compliant with the EU Directive WEEE and has adopted measures on the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Europe.


Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH):

Konica Minolta is compliant with the EU regulatory framework REACH which requires the registration and management of all chemical substances used in businesses in accordance with their conditions of use to ensure safe assessment of chemical substances.


Circular Economy package:

The Circular Economy package is a set of measures to stimulate Europe's transition towards a circular economy, boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs. Konica Minolta takes measures to support the achievement of the European circular economy goal.


European Voluntary Agreement for Printers (EVAP):

The European Voluntary Agreement for Printers establishes a set of targets to be met for all products sold on the EU market. Requirements for energy-efficiency and duplexing availability must be met by at least 90% of products sold. Also the agreement aims to reduce the environmental footprint of imaging equipment – both by design and by helping customers make informed choices during purchase and usage of the equipment. It was established in 2011. Konica Minolta is signatory to this agreement.


Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS):

Konica Minolta is compliant with the EU Directive RoHS which restricts (with exceptions) the use of six hazardous materials in the manufacture of various types of electronic and electrical equipment.


Eco Design Directive:

Konica Minolta is compliant with the relevant EU Eco Design Directive which provides consistent EU-wide rules for improving the environmental performance of products.


Battery Directive:

Konica Minolta is compliant with the EU Battery Directive which regulates the manufacture and disposal of batteries in the European Union with the aim of improving the environmental performance of batteries and accumulators.


Antitrust Laws:

Konica Minolta takes steps to comply with antitrust laws and provides education aligned with the laws and business environments of each region.


Certified to international standards: Konica Minolta’s Environmental Management System (EMS)

Konica Minolta Europe’s Environmental Management System (EMS) has been certified according to the international standard ISO 14001:2015. It was established in June 2017. The EMS is the company’s system and database which integrates procedures and processes for training of personnel, monitoring, summarising, and reporting of specialised environmental performance information for Konica Minolta’s internal and external stakeholders. Also its European subsidiaries Italy, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, and UK as well as all Konica Minolta factories possess the certificate ISO 14001:2015.  


Reduce environmental impact throughout the product life cycle and in the supply chain

Konica Minolta is committed to reducing environmental impact throughout the product life cycle, from planning and development to procurement and production, distribution, sales and service, collection and recycling. All stages in the product life cycle are carefully monitored using analyses of general input and output, energy and resource efficiency, recycling and waste prevention, and are compliant with all relevant environmental and safety regulations.

Konica Minolta is not just committed to meeting its responsibilities directly, in terms of its own products' and services' immediate environmental impact. It is also committed to sustainability right along the supply chain, based on relationships of trust with its suppliers. Konica Minolta requires its business partners to consider labour issues (human rights), ethics, the environment, safety and health in their business operations. The company is also taking steps to address conflict mineral issues, by seeking to prevent violations of human rights in conflict areas from which mineral resources used in its products are sourced.



External recognition by third parties

Konica Minolta has also been praised internationally by external parties for its commitment to sustainability.

Inclusion in prominent investment indices:

October 2019: Included in Dow Jones Sustainability World Index consecutively for 8 years

September 2019: Included in FTSE4Good Index consecutively since 2003, and the FTSE Blossom Japan Index since its establishment in 2017

September 2019: Included in consecutive MSCI ESG Leaders indices since 2010

January 2018: Included in Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index

Evaluations by international CSR rating agencies:



February 2019: Ranked Gold Class 2019 for Corporate Sustainability by RobecoSAM


December 2018: Gold Level Recognition Medal in the EcoVadis 2018 sustainability ratings

June 2019: Selected for investment universe of Ethibel Pioneer and Ethibel Excellence

July 2018: Prime Status by the Germany-based ISS-oekom (formerly oekom research AG)

Proven by labels: Konica Minolta sets industry standard in environmental protection around the world

Konica Minolta sets industry standards worldwide in the field of environmental protection. The company's certification actually goes further than required in many cases – as shown by its label certification.

These labels include:

  • Blue Angel: Konica Minolta systems were the world's first laser-based copier systems ever to be awarded this certification, in 1992. Nearly all office devices currently sold in Germany now carry this label. All devices sold outside Germany comply with the requirements of this strict German label.
  • ECO LEAF: Konica Minolta provides environmental impact data relating to its office equipment through the ECO LEAF. ECO LEAF is a Japanese label that provides information on the environmental impact of a product, based on quantitative measurement of the environmental performance through the product’s entire life cycle, from raw materials procurement to production, sales, usage, disposal, and recycling.



  • Deinking: The removal of ink or toner from paper is crucial for the production of recycled paper. This is guaranteed with Konica Minolta’s Simitri® HD toner, which achieved top results in the INGEDE deinking test.



  • Seawater resistance: The British standard for label and for colorants ensures that imprints will survive a certain time being expose to seawater.
  • Food contact: Thanks to the enviro nmentally-friendly properties of Simitri toner, TÜV Rhineland has recognised it as 100% harmless when in contact with food. This food safety certification creates new opportunities for use, including food packaging and food label printing.


  • Document authenticity by PTS: There is an Ordinance for Lawyers and Notaries in Germany (DONot), § 29, that gives the framework for making manipulation to printouts impossible. Documents should be very fine and detailed. Also, every attempt to change the content of prints must be visible. The majority of Konica Minolta’s devices is able to fulfil these criteria.


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