Logistics video surveillance

Optimise logistical security at all your locations

Automated camera surveillance for flawless logistics

Want to optimise the way you use camera surveillance in your logistics mix – and keep all your sites and processes secure? By optimising your logistical processes and using video logistics surveillance to enrich your security and monitoring mix, you can closely monitor the movements, goods and systems in use on your premises, and protect your logistics flow more effectively than ever before.

You like to optimise your logistics processes? If so, make sure you choose a partner you can rely on! 

Modern commercial locations such as warehouses require strict security policies – and optimised logistics processes – if damage or loss to the goods, systems and data circulating there is to be prevented. 

Every one of your company’s locations requires strict security if damage to your property, theft, loss or the possibility of goods being mishandled is to be prevented. The robust MOBOTIX camera surveillance system has been designed to be ready for IoT (Internet of Things) process automation. Thanks to its use of encrypted communication, the MOBOTIX logistics system is cyber-secured, offers unbeatable surveillance capacity, and features state-of-the-art security and monitoring functionalities you and your company will really appreciate. 

The system is also equipped with Hemispheric Technology to ensure it achieves maximum coverage using the minimum number of cameras. Discrete operation ensures total protection against damage, theft and vandalism – and with less need for maintenance, the total cost of ownership is lower, so you can be sure of a high return on your investment.

Why Konica Minolta for Video Solution Service

Konica Minoltas intelligent video system can solve problems in all areas: Ensuring safety in a factory unit, registering vehicles to detecting movement, communicating with the network or triggering alarms if necessary. The solution also allows you to analyse the customer behaviour while shopping, count every person in the entrance hall or help within a health clinic by being a real nurse’s assistant 24/7. Thanks to Konica Minoltas unique video solution technology and their services, a holistic security concept for every business has been developed, to make the invisible visible.



Incorporating surveillance into your strategic mix

MOBOTIX surveillance cameras offer a range of features as a logistics tool. The cameras are IoT (Internet of Things)-ready, to ensure intelligent process automation, measure temperature to enhance monitoring of machinery at locations, your management and control options, and avoid risk of significant damage to your business. They also offer robust, weatherproof construction for reliable and safe use outdoors, year-round, the maximum level of coverage using the minimum number of cameras (‘Hemispheric Technology’), and are Made in Germany for high quality and the ultimate in reliability.

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MOBOTIX x6 series

If you need to capture video data in high resolution, the innovative MOBOTIX x6 series cameras are a smart investment, opening up a wide range of new application and integration options to meet the needs of any customer. The hardware offers exciting features and more, including a decentralised concept, lower overall costs of ownership and Hemispheric Technology. MOBOTIX x6 series cameras provide you with superior image quality, a high-quality product, and are cyber-secure.

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Video Management System (VMS)

The MxManagementCenter (MxMC) is a powerful and user-friendly Video Management System featuring built-in intelligence. The system can be used intuitively on Windows and Apple computers – so no management server is necessary.

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Surveillance tailored to the specific needs of your company. Our consultancy service includes optimising and enhancing your entire video infrastructure, including a site survey and analysis.

DB Schenker: A reliable and smart surveillance system to improve security

DB Schenker, located in Bulgaria, is a leader among the international providers of logistic services. After a security incident, a video solution was chosen to secure and protect their deliveries. Konica Minolta, a long-year partner, implemented the smart surveillance technology Mobotix in the facility, which allows security guarding of larger areas with less cameras and without complicated and expensive control rooms.